Fortytwo has partnered with Viber to provide you the option of sending messaging campaigns to subscribers on their network.
SMS Fallback
In addition, we have also added the functionality of handing over the message to the SMS gateway if the customer is not reached on the network or is not currently using Viber.
Viber messages allow you to communicate with your audience, keep them engaged with your brand, and call them to perform actions.

Benefits of using Viber

How does it work?
After a simple integration to the Viber platform you can begin communicating with your customers. You can either integrate through an API or alternatively make use of our friendly user interface.
Your brand will be easily identified with a profile picture and service name within the conversation.
Once you send a message, you will get a callback with the status of the message whether just Delivered or Delivered & Seen.

Up to 1000 characters per message

Message status in delivery reports

Better pricing than SMS

SMS fail-over for non delivery

Company profile image & sender ID

One-Way or Two-Way messaging

Images and Buttons in your campaign

Businesses benefit from
Amazing Viber Features
Are you a developer?
Connect to our Advanced Messaging Platform using the following options! The possibilities are endless.